PO Box 302, Menominee MI 49858
GFWC Menominee Woman’s Club Board of Directors 2022-2024
Standing: Liz Mikutowski, Donna Suchovsky, Judy Bramschreiber, Tina Porod, Kathy Warner, Brooke Rose, Dianne Shepard, Joan Shephard, Joan Helgerson, Janet Conklin, Karen Sutek, Martha Harding, Susan Gressel, Judy Reid (President 2020-2022 term).
Sitting: Francy Mullen, Ellen Wertepny, Valerie Mellon (President 2022-2024), Ruth Fay (Vice President 2022-2024), Ruth Wesoloski, Jane Stripling
Not pictured: Marcia Peters, Pat Krah, Karen Loewecke, Jan Stimac, Jean Kollross, Heidi Simon, Bea Elsworth, Mary Oswald, Maureen Lauerman, Val Hallam, Barb Swan
GFWC Menominee Woman’s Club was organized in 1897 as the Menominee Woman’s Club. The next year, in 1898, our club affiliated with both the national organization, General Federation of Women’s Clubs, and the state of Michigan General Federation of Women’s Clubs. We are both proud and excited to be celebrating our 126th year as a GFWC affiliated club.
New Members Certificates presented at May 2023 Meeting
One hundred and twenty six years ago our club began its work in the community with a campaign for a public library. The effort came to fruition and the library was built on property owned by Augustus Spies. Since that first effort, the club has worked through its Community Service Program Committees to enrich and enhance our community. We provide scholarships, sponsor education projects, beautify our city, honor our veterans, help agencies fight crime with program assistance, staff community projects, donate to charities, and promote the arts.
Our mission statement is “Women Volunteering to Enrich our Community, State, Nation and World.” The volunteer opportunities are diverse and fun and sometimes require a bit of sweat equity (such as working on a Habitat for Humanity Women's Build). Some of the greatest benefits and rewards members gain are the building and nurturing of new friendships and satisfaction with a job well done.
The club holds eight (8) monthly luncheon meetings each year. Each meeting features an educational or entertaining program. Our meetings are informative and included presentations about Operation Christmas Child, Veterans, the DAR Boys and Girls Club, Community Elder Care, the UP Foster Closet, and Bay Cliff Health Camp. Among items were collected at meetings were books for children, items for the Menominee Animal Shelter, and Kitchen Kits for Rainbow House.
A complete program listing for the upcoming 2023-2024 club year can be viewed by selecting the "MONTHLY MEETINGS" button on the Home Page.
Becoming a Member
When you decide to become a member you will be sponsored by a current member who will be your club mentor. You will complete a membership form which will have a list of club committees on which you can choose to serve. Sign up for the committees and activities that most interest you. When you have paid your dues you will become an active member and will receive a membership booklet that includes your membership card on the back and outlines club and standing committees. The booklet also lists helpful items such as meeting dates, menus, and programs; a membership list with contact information; and a copy of the club bylaws, rules and policies.
Benefits of membership include:
Monthly meetings
Informative and entertaining programs
Networking and social opportunities that bring together community minded women
Opportunities to volunteer for a variety of activities in our community
Newsletters detailing current projects and opportunities
If you are interested in volunteering and donating your time to improve our community please contact any member you might know. Or select "Contact Us" in the top menu and send an email inquiry to Membership Chairperson, at gfwcmenominee@gmail.com. Type “Membership Inquiry” in the subject line. In the body of the email provide your name, address, and phone number.
We hope to see YOU at our next meeting!